Thursday, February 13, 2014

Welcome to the blog!

Hi there!  As an extension of our Etsy Shop TheCraftAddiction and our Facebook page, a blog was the next item on the to-do list.  

Here you will find the occasional product review, "Craft Alongs", and possibly tutorials for crafty projects that seem interesting.  For this first post, I will be sharing a product review!  

Last weekend I found Sculpey Amazing Eraser Clay while I was shopping for other supplies. 

I paid $8.99 for this pack, which seemed a little high but I was willing to give it a try.  Inside the package, I found the following colors of clay and two detailing tools.  

I've worked with normal polymer clays in the past, and sometimes they can be very firm.  I was worried that they would be difficult for my children to manipulate, but we were pleasantly surprised that they were all very soft and easy to shape.  

Here comes the tricky part, that I didn't pay attention to while the kids were making their erasers.  You have to bake them for 20 minutes PER 1/4 inch of thickness.  Yikes.  Here are the erasers my kids made, and you will see why I said yikes about the thickness.  My daughter made a unicorn, and my son ended up making a planet.  

The unicorn was fully baked at 20 minutes, but the planet took around 45 minutes.  Once they cooled the kids tested them out.  They worked!  The little blocks of clay look like they wouldn't last long, so I was skeptical that we wouldn't get our money's worth from the kit.  I was very happy to see that each of the kids erasers used less than half of each block of color.  If we do this again, we will pay attention to thickness, and attempt to make pencil top erasers!  This kit would be fun to use at a kid's birthday party or even just a sleepover for children ages 8 and up.  

*I purchased this product myself, and was not compensated for this review*

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